Thursday, December 25, 2014

News and Info

Welcome Back to Me. I've been away from this blog, but we're going to start posting more regularly. I've also begun a new one: and you may enjoy reading that.

Or, maybe not.


 After went south, I searched for a different outlet. Finally, I've ended up back at my original outlet, You can hear my shows live on most Sundays at 6:30 PM, Eastern time. We're doing 30 minutes, and while we'll take call-ins, on this show, we're not doing interviews with guests.

The plan is to begin a new show after 1/1/15 also of 30 minutes' duration, where we only interview/converse with guests. We're lining some up. Right now, most of the ones we're talking TO are the guests who've appeared with us on earlier shows. Our audience found them interesting. If you haven't been part of that audience, I hope you will too. There'll be more info here when we figure out our times and days.

The reason for two 30-minute programs instead of one 60-minute is primarily because BlogTalk lets a host do 30 minutes at a time, without cost. If you want to do more, you have to pay. So my best guess is that we WILL be adding time to the program as well as sponsors, in the future, and that may result in consolidation of the two shows.

The "live" time really doesn't matter that much, because most listeners hear the program on their own schedules, since each of them is available in podcast format, after the fact.

Our next scheduled 30-minute program with just me, The Jeff Bushman Experience, will be at the above time on Sunday, 12/28/14.

In any event, just below this line, we've embedded sites that should you click on either of them, you'll be able to listen to these programs, immediately (then come back for the rest of this blog, please). Or, you can go to: and of course, that's the easiest place to have the "live radio" experience on Sundays.

December 7, 2014

December 21, 2014


We've been involved in that as well, of course. I finished all the writing for the book whose tentative title is, Be Healthy, Lose Weight. The last part of it was some healthy recipes, contributed by Alicia. Now I have to get myself motivated to edit and format the book, so it can be uploaded to Amazon.

For those who don't know, you can go to Amazon and download a free Kindle reading app/program to your phone or computer. There are some free books, and many more that aren't. But all my books and many others are priced at $2.99.

In any event, the books I already have up there include: Mobile Millionaire on mobile home investing, Amusing Sex, Funny Sex, which is a compilation of the early columns I did for Scottsdale Health Magazine (its issues and my more current columns for it are available at http:///, and Bobby's Been Shot, which is a mystery novel. The Bobby in the title is the late Senator Robert Kennedy.

At present, I'm researching a book on a small segment of FDR's political career for a non-fiction look at that part of U.S.  and world history.

Finally, I've  been writing a few essays for a relatively new site, called Medium ( for mine; without the "after-the-slashmark" stuff just to get to the general site) which you may find interesting. Likewise there are works by many other writers. If you want to put up your own writing, you can.

As a mixture of both writing and radio, a friend of mine, Morgan St. James, who's been on our show several times, is doing a show on blogtalk radio, as well, and she's talking about the writing process and writing business, and if you're interested in that, you can do a search for her at She's very bright and if it's the right subject for you, you'll enjoy the show. One of her shows can be found at the URL-shortened website:


I'm going to write more on this, I suspect, at the site, but our local Arizona politics became more national the other day.

Joe Arpaio, the elected Sheriff of Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix , had sued President Obama over the president's executive order halting deportation of certain undocumented foreign nationals.

The federal judge ruled that Arpaio didn't have "standing" to sue the president on this issue. Since most people don't know what that means, I'll try my unsophisticated knowledge to explain it.

Courts traditionally refuse to rule on "political questions," if that's all they are. In order to get one's lawsuit considered, one has to have a specific grievance that only that person is suffering (or, if a class action, only the members of the class are suffering). Though Arpaio alleged that the executive order would have an effect on his department, because it would encourage more illegal immigration, that was as close as he could get to alleging specific harm to him if the executive order weren't ruled unconstitutional by the court.

You can agree or disagree with Obama's order on its substance, and you might feel (though you'd be wrong) that it's unconstitutional. But even if it were to be unconstitutional, Arpaio would be the wrong person to bring the suit, because of a lack of direct effect on him, from that order.

Arpaio has said he's appealing, but he isn't too appealing to a lot of us. Stay tuned.

Trivia Questions

1. Who tried to run for a third term or actually did so, before FDR did so in 1940?

2. What is Woodrow Wilson's Vice-President most famous for?

3. Before the 3.5 inch diskette was used in computers, we used a "floppy" diskette which was 5.25". What size medium existed before that?

4.  What two brothers served in the Eisenhower Administration?

5. What two brothers served in the Kennedy Administration?

Answers (and I know you didn't cheat by looking at these first):

1. U.S. Grant tried to get his party's nomination for a third term, but his administration had been pretty badly damaged by corruption, so the party denied him that opportunity. Teddy Roosevelt ran for a third term by forming a new party, after the Republicans insisted on re-nominating William Howard Taft. The party's official name was the Progressive Party, but it was better known by its nickname, the Bullmoose Party. He lost as did Taft. By splitting what would've been the Republican vote, they gave the election to Woodrow Wilson.

2. And speaking of Wilson, his VP's greatest fame is for a quote, "What this country needs is a good five-cent cigar." As my brother reminds me, back in my smoking days, my cigars were almost that cheap,and weren't that good.

3. Before desktop computers had gained popularity (pre-Windows and this might have been pre-DOS) Xerox had created small computers that used 8 inch square discs. If you ever see one of these, you'll be amazed at how gigantic it looks.

4. The two Eisenhower Administration brothers were John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles. The first was Ike's first Secretary of State (and the subject of a song that brought Carol Burnett to national attention) and Allen was the head of the CIA. He stayed on after JFK became president, but was soon replaced.

5. The two brothers in JFK's administration were William and McGeorge Bundy, and this one is admittedly obscure. McGeorge Bundy supposedly was called on in a college class to read his homework essay to his classmates. He got up, and looked at the paper he was holding. He read the essay from start to finish, and according to someone who was there, it was brilliant. That same person said that as Bundy sat down, his classmate looked at the paper from which Bundy was reading and the pages were blank. He's failed to do his homework, but had done the essay off the top of his head, orally.


That's all folks, for now, though we'll be back. Meanwhile, thanks for reading, and we'll see you on the radio.

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