Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A Quick Program Note

Our Quick Program Note

There isn't one tonight. We were scheduled for our program to go on tonight (see previous post), and for some reason, I couldn't raise our producer. I assume there's a problem either caused by a storm or our server, or some combo, but I haven't heard anything yet.

The program was scheduled to be dark next Wednesday and on Christmas night, so we'll be off 3 weeks and return January 1, 2014, assuming all goes well. As they say, Watch This Space.

I'll see you on the radio.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Inter-Holiday Edition

This edition of the blog is being written between Thanksgiving (and Hanukkah) on the one hand, and Christmas and Kwanzaa on the other. We'll talk about the latter, in a bit but a few other matters, first.


Our show will arrive on Wednesday, barring tech glitches or my death (though I suppose the latter could be described as one of the former). We start at 9PM Eastern, and about half-way through our guest will appear. This week, it's Steve Lyttleton, described in an earlier post. He's a friend and former co-worker of mine (we are both former bill collectors - eek!).

Steve and I will discuss politics and disagreements we have, as part of my effort to prove that you can disagree with someone in a civil manner - unless you're in Congress. It should be interesting if only for that reason. Among the things we may be discussing is guns, abortion, and Obamacare's misnomers.

As a side note, if you're reading this after December 11, you can hear the podcast of this and all of our earlier episodes. If you're listening live, tune in to and if you're seeking the podcasts (playable on your computer, smartphone, etc.), you just need to add the slash and my name: /JeffBushman

Some of our earlier interviews are really interesting, thanks to the guests.

On January 1, while you're recovering from the night before, join us in the evening at that same Bat Time, to hear me talk about the importance of starting your own business, whether you're in a great job or you're unemployed, or in a crummy job. You can start a lot of businesses for little or no money, and you can start earning money from them while you're still working for someone else. And your own business will give you a fall-back position in the event that something happens to your existing fabulous job (or maybe your not-so-fabulous job). I won't be trying to sell you anything but the idea. In fact I don't have anything I could sell you, except for my books and on that subject, please see below. But with regard to the program, none of my books deal with starting your own biz, so tune in for info without the "mercial."

We'll be dark (in case anyone isn't familiar with that expression, that means we won't be doing a live show) on two successive Wednesdays. That would be December 18 and December 25. I can't imagine anyone wanting to hear our kind of show on Christmas night, even if you're burned out by the holiday by that time, and the 18th is our usual "dark" third Wednesday.

Reaching Us

There are a few ways to make contact with us about this blog, the radio show, my books, etc. First, you can e-mail me at

You can also call and leave a message at 206-339-5905. Whether e-mailing, or leaving a voice mail message, tell me anything you wish to. If you want to appear on the radio show and would be available when we do the show, please leave me a phone number. If you leave the voice mail and would like an e-mail response, leave an e-mail address please.

A Few Words on Obamacare

First, as Steve Lyttleton (see above) reminded me yesterday, the Affordable Care Act is not a healthcare law; it's a healthcare financing law.

That said, what I think Republicans are really afraid of is the kind of reaction there was to Social Security and that of some people in states where the system is working. The system is working really well where there are state exchanges, such as Kentucky and California. The national exchange hasn't been as smooth, obviously.

The reaction to Social Security and other New Deal initiatives, however, was a generation of Democratic dominance in the White House and in Congress. In Kentucky, recently, a man walked into an office of the state where they were doing Obamacare registration. He said he has a wife and 5 kids and needed health insurance. He asked if they could help him. They took his info and told him that he could get coverage for himself and his family, and due to his low income and the fact that his wife doesn't work outside the home, he would receive the coverage free. He said that he guessed that from now on he was going to be a Democrat.

We can agree that his thought process might have been a little simplistic, but THAT is what the GOP is really afraid of, i.e., that people will get health insurance, will like it, and will credit the president and his party.

I also wanted to add that we've been in the process of signing up for our family, through the so-called "federal" exchange, because our governor is a Neanderthal. It's been cumbersome, but it looks like they're on the verge of getting it right and I think we'll be signed up by next week.

It's the holiday season. If you're inclined to order gifts for friends, relatives or yourself, before you visit Amazon, directly, please come to this blog and click on the Amazon banner. If you go to the Amazon site through ours and end up buying something, they put some change in our pocket and don't take any extra from yours.

And if you order this year, I can promise that they won't deliver your products using drones.

This year.

Did I Mention My Column?

If your child is looking over your shoulder, you may wish to shield her/his eyes at this point.

I don't know if you know it, but I write a monthly column in a local lifestyle magazine, Scottsdale Health ( The subject is sex and is called The Scottsdale Sexpert. I didn't name the column. But if you'd like, please take a look. Also, some of the early columns are collected in one of my books, listed below, Amusing Sex, Funny Sex.

Trivia Questions

People don't realize the importance of trivia. And if they do, would that make them or the idea oxymoronic? Your guess is as good as mine, except when it comes to the following questions, because I already know the answers, which means my guess isn't really a guess. On the other hand, a tree falling in a forest when there's no one there to hear it, DOES make a sound. The answers appear well below this portion of the blog, so you won't be tempted to peek. Alternatively, if you're going to peak, please don't make too much noise.

1. Who was the presidential aspirant for the Democratic who became well-known for wearing brief swimming trunks and referring to Bill Clinton as a "pander bear?"

2. Name the only two brothers who served at the same time in the U.S. Senate.

3. During California Governor Jerry Brown's first two terms in office, who was his Lieutenant Governor?

4. What was the product for which President Carter's brother became well-known?

5. Besides George Washington, who was the first president who had not served as V.P.?

Books in Review

I've recently read a couple of books I want to share with you.

Two of them are from the same author, and one's from an author with whom you may not be familiar. In the latter category is Linwood Barclay and the book, the second one of his that I've read, is called Lone Wolf. Similar to an author whose work we've reviewed here previously, Harlan Coben, Barclay writes with great humor (Good Humor is in another category we don't touch upon here) and he can weave a suspense/mystery/thriller with the best of them.

The book starts with the protagonist learning that his father is missing and may have been eaten by a bear. The authorities ask him to come and identify the possible remains.

The story ends up involving some additional killing, a right-wing nut case group and a good deal of suspense and page-turning.

Barclay's written several books and if the others are anywhere nearly as good as the two I've read (and as you might have guessed, I currently can't recall the name of the other one), you could do a lot worse than picking up one or more of his works.

The same thing is true of the other author who's now become (perhaps) overly well-known. I refer to Lee Child, author of the Jack Reacher series of novels. In the book, Echo Burning, Reacher is hitch-hiking across Texas and is picked up by a woman who doesn't know him, but immediately wants to hire him to kill her husband.

Reacher refuses, but does agree to go to work for a brief time on the ranch belonging to her husband's family, and later thinks that perhaps he should have taken the first job. The husband's in prison for unrelated reasons and the woman's told Reacher that she's been getting beaten by him for several years. Child is a master at weaving plots in and out, and bringing the suspense to a fever pitch.

That's also evident in the other work of his, called Persuader. The title comes initially from a type of pistol, but also refers to how he sees himself. He gets hired, sort of, to help find a government agent who's gone missing and whose work was "unofficial." While in the process, he discovers that the primary party behind a crime ring is a guy that Reacher thought he'd killed a number of years earlier. He wants to complete that act and - as you know if you've read any of the Reacher books - plot twists and action proceed accordingly.

Speaking of Books...

As some of you know, I've written three (plus a pamphlet-sized short). With the exception of the pamphlet which details how to cure acne, and sells for 99 cents, each of the other full-length efforts sells as an e-book for $2.99.

I don't recommend the acne pamphlet as a holiday gift, but each of the others might be a good choice. YOU DON'T NEED A SPECIAL READER to read Kindle-format e-books. You can download a free app to your smartphone or a free Kindle reader to your Mac or PC and you can read Kindle books on either.

As it happens, there are also some public domain books (e.g., Alice in Wonderland) that you can download free after you download that app/program.

The books include The Mobile Millionaire, suitable for the would-be investor on your gift list. It's a guide to investment in mobile homes. Also, Amusing Sex, Funny Sex, which we briefly discussed earlier in this post, is a compilation of the columns on that subject that I write for a local lifestyle magazine, here in Arizona. Finally, there's a mystery novel for the mystery fans in your life: Bobby's Been Shot. In brief, the novel details the attempt to solve a 20-year-old murder that may be connected to the murder of Robert Kennedy. The links appear below. The lynx is a big cat.

Additionally (unfortunately, it won't be ready for this holiday season) is a book on good health connected to weight loss. Naturally, I'll announce here, and everywhere else, when that becomes available. My tentative next project involves a biography of a little-known president.

Acne Cure:
War on Xmas

I'd prefer, due to the length of this post, to save this until next time, but that may be after the holiday, so we'll cover it now.

Some conservative commentators have talked last year and this one, about the supposed War on Christmas. They say that those advocating political correctness have pushed stores, merchants, and others to wish everyone "Happy Holidays" when they should be saying "Merry Christmas."

If that's a War on Christmas, I want to sign up with the Revolutionaries.

This isn't a Christian nation. Our constitution says that the government cannot favor or discriminate against particular religions. And we weren't founded by Christians, either. The majority of our founders were Deists, not Christians. Although our founding documents refer to a Creator, nowhere do they talk about God or Jesus or Mohammed, etc.

We are a country that firmly established (see the Federalist Papers if you have any doubt) that religion and government should be and are separate from each other.

While no one is suggesting that the government's behind this supposed war (though some will find a way to blame Obama, I suppose), many are suggesting that Christmas should be substituted for all references to "the holidays."

Really? When you tell me Merry Christmas, I appreciate your good wishes, but they also carry a level of presumptuousness. You're assuming that I'm Christian. Whether I am Christian or I'm a member of another faith or of no faith, that's bloody obnoxious. Your religion is none of my business and vice versa. Your pushing your religion on me, as the old saying goes, is like persuading someone of the beauty of music by hitting her over the head with a violin.

To those who say Merry Christmas wishes have nothing to do with religion, my response is that they either don't understand English very well or they have a poor knowledge of Christianity (same with Christmas trees).

So, if in order to win your favor by allowing you to presume you know about my religious beliefs, or the lack of them, I'll do without your favor.

But you can do me a favor. Have a nice holiday. Or don't. It's your choice and as I said, it's none of my business. If you feel differently, it could cause a war.

Trivia Answers

1. Senator Paul Tsongas from Maryland, who has since died.

2. Robert Kennedy of New York and Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts. Though Robert was the older of the two, when he was elected to the Senate, the younger brother had more experience in that body.

3. Republican Mike Curb. Curb was a record producer and created the group, The Mike Curb Congregation, which was several years before he became Lt. Governor, and well before another Hollywood celebrity would become governor of that state.

4. Billy Beer

5. James Madison. Jefferson served under Adams, to the displeasure of both, and Adams was the veep under Washington. Madison, of course - and as you knew - was our 4th president.

Adios Muchachitos

That's it for this edition, thankfully (it's much too long, but there's something for everyone). In the meantime, I'll see you on the radio.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Quickie


This posting will be brief. We'll review some books that I've recently read and have some trivia questions on our next posting.

Our Show

We'll be back on this Wednesday and next. Tomorrow's guest is author Larry Hancock and he'll be talking about his new book relating to American shadow warfare. We'll also discuss his visit to Dallas to observe the 50th anniversary of the killing of our 35th president. You can tune in at

The following week, we'll have someone who isn't nearly as well-known, my friend Steve Lyttleton, to discuss civility among those who differ politically. Since we do, you can tune in to see how well that works out.

Other Radio

On our companion site,  we talk about our program, of course, but also other things going on with radio. I'd urge your review of that site. As Yoda would say, "Like it you might." That's

Some of the content there, duplicates things you'll see here, but some is different. This week, I've posted a note regarding AM radio and the FCC's intention to improve it. Dropping Limbaugh might be a good start, but I don't think it's what they have in mind.

Outta Here

That's all folks. I'll see you on the radio.