The station and its website ( are back and we'll be back on-air on the first Wednesday in December (the 4th) with the guest we were supposed to to have on, during our most recently scheduled program, Larry Hancock.
Producer Chuck was unavailable for a couple of weeks, but he's back now and arrangements have been made to make sure the station doesn't go South if he goes on vacation, becomes ill, etc.
When we come back, Larry will join us for the full hour. We could do a show on this coming Wednesday, but since it's the night before Thanksgiving in the U.S. we'd likely only have our listeners who are in other countries. So, it's 12/4.
Also on the following Wednesday, we'll have a long-time friend of mine, Steve Lyttleton, as our guest. Steve and I will talk about civility and our differing political views, though I suspect we'll agree on enough things to surprise both of us.
We'll then be dark again on 12/18 and 12/25. The 18th is because of my book club meeting and the following week is for some holiday or other. On January 1, 2014, I'm planning on doing a show alone - and not just because everyone else will be recovering from a hangover. The plan is to talk about the need for people to start businesses and avoid being "wage slaves."
In connection with that, I'm a major believer in business and capitalism and after some major effort, I'm making a living (sort of) while not being employed by anyone. That said, when the sign in the men's room says that employees have to wash their hands before returning to work, I wash my hands anyway.
Reaching Us
Now there are a couple of ways to contact us. The big question: why would you want to reach us? Actually, I can think of a couple of reasons.If you've read any of my books or listened to the radio program, you might want to tell me what an idiot I am, or you may wish to express an opinion that's different from mine on a given subject. Or maybe you want to suggest a guest. If you know an author that's self-published a book and it's not about religion, you can let me know how to reach her/him. Or, perhaps you know someone who was involved in early television. We'd probably love to talk to that person.
As is true of most of you, there are two ways to make contact: phone and e-mail. As to the latter, the e-mail address is:
You can now call and leave a message, as well. The number is: 206-339-5905. Please keep your message short, and if you'd like to be on the air to express your opinion, please leave a phone number where you can be reached on a Wednesday evening between 9 and 10 PM Eastern time. If you're not reachable then, but still want your call on, leave your name, number, and when you can be reached. We may call and record your conversation (after you give permission) for later broadcast.
Trivia Questions
You didn't think we'd forget trivia did you? The answers are at the end of this posting, so you don't have to cover them with your hand.
1. What office did Richard Nixon run for between his defeat for President in 1960, and his victorious run for the same office in 1968, and who was the opposing candidate?
2. Ronald Reagan won the presidency in 1980, of course, but he sought the GOP nomination in 1976, unsuccessfully, losing to Gerald Ford. Reagan took the unusual step of naming the man who would be his VP candidate if he won the Republican nomination (as a means of assuring some voters that his conservatism wasn't to be feared). Who was that Republican senator who would've been Reagan's running mate?
3. Who was FDR's vice-president following the 1941 inauguration for his third term?
We'll do a mini-review of a couple of books in a moment, but first, let's talk about my books. If you'd like to take a look at the books I've written, go to Amazon, by clicking the banner at the top of this page, and look up my name "Bushman" without quotes.
If you prefer, you can look up any of the individual books, through the links below.
Mobile Millionaire:
Amusing Sex:
Bobby's Been Shot!:
Acne Cure:'s Been Shot!:
I've recently finished Downsize This by Michael Moore and Lee Child's The Persuader.
Some of Downsize This is dated, which is understandable since it came out over 10 years ago. But a good deal of it is still relevant. A lot of middle-of-the-road commentators tend to be dismissive of Michael Moore as some kind of radical nut job. Conservatives do this too, but a lot of them said the same thing about Mit Romney and John McCain.
Moore is a really intelligent, and very funny man. He sometimes goes a little overboard in some of his ideas and with regard to his antagonism towards corporations, but he's absolutely on target about some of the nonsense our laws allow.
If you can get a copy of the book (and a used copy or a library wouldn't be a bad idea), it's worth reading and has a lot of laughs.
The Persuader is - of course - a Jack Reacher novel. By now, you've heard everyone and his mother complain about the casting of Tom Cruise in the Jack Reacher film that came out earlier in the year. This is one of those rare cases, of course, where everyone and his mother are right.
But the books are great entertainment even if the protagonist, an American former military man occasionally uses a British expression (the author's from the UK). I've never heard one of my countryman refer to a K-Turn the way Child (and Reacher) uses that expression, but Reacher does. I highly suspect the meaning is the same as a U-Turn, but maybe I'm wrong. But the start of this paragraph tells the story.
The Reacher books are compelling and when they're arching towards the climax of the plot, they're page-turners and the covers have glue (you can't put the books down). In this one, Reacher's put into the position of going to work for a gun runner in order to kill a villain he thought he'd killed 10 years earlier. The title has several meanings, but one of them refers to the large pistols that Reacher uses at the beginning of the story's unfolding.
I've never read a Reacher book I wouldn't recommend, and this one's not an exception even though it didn't have enough sex.
Trivia Answers
1. Governor of California and he ran against the father of the current California Governor. That current Governor is called Jerry Brown, but he's really Edmund G. Brown Jr. His father, Edmund Sr. was known as Pat Brown. He beat Tricky Dick, which was not a disease.
2. Pennsylvania's Richard Schweiker, and like most vice-presidential nominees, he was never heard from again.
3. Don't feel bad if you didn't know this. Almost nobody gets it right. It was Henry Wallace. Wallace had been in Roosevelt's cabinet. When FDR decided to run for an unprecedented and unrepeated third term, his then-VP wanted no part of another 4 years in that position. Roosevelt went with Wallace. Henry Wallace was substantially to the left of most Democrats at the time and was replaced in 1944 by Truman. When Truman ran in his own right in 1948, Wallace ran against him as head of the Progressive Party.
Ciao For Now
That's it for this edition. Thanks for joining us and we'll see you on the radio.